With 350 nits HD brightness, HDR10 technology and 4000:14 contrast ratio, you can see details even in very dark images.
Color gamut
1.07 billion colors and a large screen allow for more accurate color transitions. Color gamut 90% DCI-P35 provides true-to-life images, and with a color accuracy of ΔE <26, tones become vivid and saturated.
Enjoy the games
Dark Zone Control allows you to adjust the screen brightness when displaying a dark image so you can see your opponent before they see you. Shooting at the enemy is now even more convenient.
Elegant design
The elegant design of the HUAWEI MateView GT monitor with a silver bezel on the back also sets it apart from other devices. Adjust the height of the monitor (up to 110 mm) and the tilt angle (the monitor can be tilted 5 degrees forward and 20 degrees backward). If necessary, the monitor can be hung on the wall.